Sunday, August 29, 2010

Task: DVR and DVDs

At the time, I had three DVDs to watch, all of which featured Kim Rossi Stuart, and the backlog on the DVR was primarily White Collar, the miniseries “The Prisoner”, and the Saturday Afternoon session of General Conference.

I did get all of those caught up, though there is always more on the way. Conference was good, and I love White Collar, and not just because I love Matt Bomer. It’s a good ensemble and a fun show.

The Prisoner was a bit more disappointing. It was grosser than I expected. Well, there wasn’t really that much blood, though that was disturbing. I guess it is more that it was dark, and that can be okay but I am not sure that there was a point to the darkness, or enough to balance it. Also, the sound quality was horrible, and some of the things that they did for comic relief did not work—again due to imbalance, I think.

That being said, Jim Cavaziel has charisma to spare, and in the scene where he is trying to leave the one girl to go get her breakfast, but keeps coming back to kiss her again, he is freaking adorable.

For our DVR, I have been good about keeping up with White Collar, and Jeopardy! has been really easy lately because it is tournament reruns and I am just deleting them. I do record the Bold and the Beautiful for my mother, but again, we delete that daily.

With King of the Hill, we have seen most, if not all, of the episodes now, so we just keep a few of our favorites on hand for when we need a laugh. I do have three SVU episodes to catch up on, but that’s not a big deal.

The real reason that it is getting full right now is because Centric is running the A-Team, like, six times a day on some days, so that fills up fast. Still, it’s nice to have it on hand. There are some shows that I liked then, but I watch them now and they are painful, but not this one. Sure, I see the ridiculousness of some things, but I do not care.

For DVDs, it is getting into the Australia section of the queue, so I have Shine, Oscar and Lucinda, and the Endless Summer on deck.

I’ll watch things when I have time.

32 minutes walking outside
Matthew 1 – Matthew 10

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