Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The expanding heart

Okay, here’s where I get maudlin.
Some of this is that I am traveling, and was hoping to post from the road, so had some pre-written things ready to go. However, I only had about five minutes of  internet. I used those five minutes to push the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday pieces live. Normally I should be doing band reviews for the next two days but instead I am going to post the things that were supposed to go up Tuesday and Wednesday, and then Saturday things will get back to normal, with the travel blog covering A Bug's Land in California Adventure.
Tomorrow’s piece will be an addition I wrote to the comic book. Well, I guess I can’t call it THE comic book anymore. There’s at least two now. I did post it on, and there the entire story is called When the Lights Go Out, which I don’t love, and this chapter is called “The Light Behind Your Eyes”, which is the right title.
The problem is that not everyone will have context for it, so do I explain, and how much? That will be Friday.
Today I am just letting you know what’s coming up, and giving you one tortured metaphor, but it could be meaningful to someone.
I was thinking about how when you break a bone, new bone grows, making the limb slightly longer than it was. If you could not get those pieces back together, like in the case of an amputation, the limb would be smaller. The metaphor part is taking that to your heart. We get hurt all the time. We can let people go and relationships go, and our hearts will be diminished, becoming small and nubby. Or, we can hang on to that piece of our hearts, letting new heart grow and join it back together, and then our hearts are getting bigger. That can be a messy process, but I think it would still come out beautiful. I’d like to mess around with some construction paper and tissue paper to get an illustration of it, but this is probably already overkill. It is so cheesy, I can barely stand it. It’s just also kind of true.

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