Thursday, July 11, 2013

Band Review: Naked Fridays

Naked Fridays is another band where a member followed me, instead of the band. This is fine of course, but the funny thing in this case was that I did not realize for quite a while that Reuben was even in a band. So, I possibly could have reviewed them sooner. He isn't really using his profile for band promotion, but also, this is probably a good time to mention them. They are back in the studio, working on some things, so this is a good time to get excited.
One interesting thing about the band is that on the video for "The Weatherman"  they put that they didn't know what genre to call it and were looking for suggestions. On Facebook, for the band overall they use the term "electronic rock", which works, but they do in fact experiment a lot, which makes the categorization harder.
The grooves do keep going back to rock, but it gets a bit cerebral at times, and there are frequently these small but creative flourishes, throwing in the unexpected.
They are a young band, and at times it shows in a lack of polish, but they nonetheless play with power and meaning, carried by the sincerity of the performance.
Due to the innovation within the songs, it is hard to pick either a favorite or a most representative song. I keep suspecting that my personal favorite is "Electric Drive" , but then I think of the other songs and I am not sure. Liking all of the songs and finding them all interesting is not exactly a problem though.
At this point, the best listening source is Youtube, with twice the available songs of Facebook, as well as some studio and performance footage. Enjoy!

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