Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Okay, let's talk about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp program. I will be saying a lot of things I have said before, but maybe it's time.
One thing I have mentioned before is that there were a few conservative writers I would read regularly, because it's important to be exposed to other views, but that they were getting much worse. I remember that with Rich Lowry, the turning point was when he wrote an article on gun control where he used an anecdote and said he didn't care what the statistics said.
Stories are powerful, and I get that, but they can also mislead. Statistically, SNAP has a low incidence of abuse, and a good track record for being a temporary program, helping people through hard times and then they get off. Even the beach bum band guy says he is setting up his career, which would theoretically result in him paying taxes later. But why pay attention to statistics when you saw someone with a manicure using that card!
And that is truly the train of thought. People complain about people who have tattoos, or who look like they work out, or who went into a Subway, or who bought cookies, or who have cell phones and cars.
Remember, the idea of the program is that you help people get through a time of low finances so they can end up doing better financially. Many of the people on SNAP are unemployed, and job hunting. One thing that is helpful for job hunting is have a way for potential employers to contact you. I personally am against eliminating land lines in favor of cell phones, but I know a lot of people have done it. I also know that even if you have your land line, using the cell phone number that is only for you and that you always have with you may be better for job hunting purposes.
Those are the thoughts that I have had on my own. Reading more about the subject, I have also read that a lot of people job hunting get temporary use phones, and there are programs that help with this. I was also reminded that you may not be able to easily get out of the contract that you signed when employed.
That leads to another key point. Sometimes you have things before you lose your job, and you still have them while unemployed. This includes tattoos. A person with a tattoo paying for groceries with a SNAP card does not mean that the tattoo was purchased with SNAP funds, or afforded because using SNAP for food meant they could blow their other money on tats.
Consider the car. Paul Ryan would like to eliminate people who have a car worth more than $5000 from the program. Here's something else I was reading about - economic recovery has been moving faster in cities where you have mixed income housing and businesses close together, because people can get to jobs. Great news for those cities, but perhaps a chilling reminder for areas with a lot of sprawl. For someone who needs to obtain a better income, is handicapping them by making them sell their car really a good idea?
There can be explanations for anything. Maybe when you see that manicure, a friend did the nails, or she saved up for a treat, or thought it would help for a job interview. Or maybe they are abusing the program. My sisters went to school with someone who doesn't work, and honestly she probably could, at least a little - the denial of her disability claim seems to imply that.
Unfortunately, somehow that seems to translate into people's minds that it is a bunch of users and abusers and exploiters, you know, like the families of active duty soldiers, and people who work really crappy jobs.
Actually, that is the biggest problem right now, and it is not a failure of SNAP, but of society. People who work full-time at many jobs can't afford to feed their families. Active duty military can't feed their families. A program that is designed to help people through hard times loses effectiveness if hard times don't end.
Further reading:

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