Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Can't stop, won't stop

Yesterday's post was written humorously, but it was also true. I am old, increasingly worried about money, and I do not have my own transportation. My mother worries when I am out late, which I know sounds lame, but while there is a limit to how much I can let that hold me back, there is also a limit to how callous I should be about that. And I don't love being there alone; it's just how it works out.

Also, this could be a very reasonable time to curtail my concert going. It would be hard to top 2013. I had written earlier about how magical 2013 was for comic events, and none of that will be happening this year; that is probably way more true for concerts.

Last year I went to ten shows. If we include the first show of 2014, and those two shows from late 2012, that includes five bands that I had missed chances to see, leaving only Maroon 5, about whom I have been the most ambiguous. It included two bands that I had never heard of until I got on Twitter (and grew to love MCR), and two bands that I only knew about because they followed me on Twitter, and one that I knew before, but only started to love late. It included opening bands that I have grown to love, but would never have known about. And frankly, it included some bands that I was not sure if I would still like them after so much time, but I did, so I guess given the chance I do still go to Maroon 5.

I was thinking about it when a friend posted her concert bucket list, and I realized that I've lived mine. There's not that sense of urgency anymore. There are bands I want to see, because I think they will be good shows. Right now, that list is mainly Dave Hause, Lit, and Alkaline Trio. I would like to see Torche, and while previously I thought I would be annoyed at a Blink-182 show, I think I would like to try it now. And of course, My Chemical Romance when they do their reunion tour in 2018 - I'd want to go to that. (Don't. Say. A Word!)

And that's where we get to the impossibility of changing, because I love it too much.

I love listening to bands while I work and write, but seeing them play is a completely different thing. That statement is so inherently true I don't even know how to qualify it, so I am going to point out a few different things from Sunday night that wouldn't necessarily fit in the reviews.

Pentimento: I noticed that the bass player was playing really - well, I was thinking of it as low, but he described it as close to the bridge, which is a much better way of expressing it. I asked him about it, and it was basically that it felt right for him, but he mentioned the power of the bass, and that it was a way of harnessing that. And I thought, without saying it, that the real power is in his arms. Seriously, it was obvious watching him talk: there is serious power there. Then I noticed that Zach, the bass player in Reggie and the Full Effect, played that way too. It may be very common, but I haven't noticed that before.

Dads: They didn't have a bass player, which is why they do not come up in the previous anecdote. However, I had been listening to the wrong band in preparation. There are two Dads on Spotify. Looking at their merch, seeing their song titles and logos, I can at least narrow that down.

And they were good; it was such a good show. I could still find new bands and write about music, but I would miss concerts. I don't want to pull back, I want to delve further in. I want to go to NAMM now! I'm not a manufacturer or distributor, and I'm not really press, but now I know it exists and I want to go. There's still so much to learn.

Therefore, I see myself giving in, and buying a ticket to Dave Hause, even though no one wants to go with me, and though while it is in a better part of town, it will still be far enough and get out late enough that I will be needing to afford a taxi again. At least I should be getting some overtime this month.

Viva la rock!

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