Friday, August 08, 2014

Band Review: Tom Barrow and The Mantells

Tom Barrow followed me on Twitter a while back, and so I added him to the list for review. As I started listening this week I saw that in addition to doing his own thing, he also sings for The Mantells, and had a few of their songs on his Soundcloud page. Also, that number of songs just increased, because the Mantells had a new EP coming out. It did not feel right to ignore that, so I am reviewing both. It was the only solution.

There is a somewhat similar sensibility between the two projects, but I would say in the group it gets a bit funkier. This is perfectly logical, because on his own Barrow is acoustic guitar, which tends to be more mellow. Paul Simon fans would probably enjoy him. "Space To Rent" feels laid back, and "Tipsy" is much more sober than you would expect based on the title, but you are more likely to be able to dance to "How To Say It".

Favorites are "Key To The City" by The Mantells, and "Schoolyard Games" for Tom Barrow, but the music overall is easily accessible and worth checking out.

Everyone is from Manchester.

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