Thursday, September 11, 2014

Band Review: Blue to Brown

Last night I watched the concert movie Duran Duran: Unstaged. Knowing that would be my Friday review, I decided the perfect Thursday review was the blues duo Blue to Brown, featuring Duran Duran guitarist Dom Brown and his father Rob Brown.

There are generous helpings of funk and groove, as one would wish. Overall, it is pretty basic blues. Vocals tend to the smokier side, growling in the lower registers. It reminded me a little of Joe Cocker and Tom Waits, but more intelligible.

The guitar parts fill me with joy. "Talking Blues" may be the best example, as the guitar speaks and sings. However, listening to "Sweet Mercy" and "Please, Please" together may give you a better idea of the range, with the former punching and aggressive, and the latter soulful and pleading. Conveniently, all three tracks are grouped together on the album, Blue to Brown. The CD can be purchased via the band web site or downloaded via iTunes, along with Dom's solo albums.

They're worth checking out.

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