Friday, September 05, 2014

Band Review: New London Fire

On Facebook New London Fire lists the genre as rock/pop; that is basically true, but such an understatement.

It especially struck me as I was listening to Happiness Through Radios And Wires. Suddenly I was hearing so many different influences. I don't have a great ear, so I don't know if I was really hearing a slack-key guitar, but as much as some songs reminded me of doo-wop and surf music, others did not at all.

Having a greater appreciation at that point for the band's range, on the next round of listening I begin picking up on other little details and accents overall, and in many cases was struck by the beauty.

I have a weakness for bands that can do a lot of different things, and do them well, and New London Fire does. They have three unique albums full of unique songs, and they are getting ready for a new one.

Yes, the reason I am reviewing them this week is to encourage support for the Kickstarter. I had never listened to New London Fire before, but had been following David Debiak for his involvement in Electric Century. Seeing the Kickstarter, I checked them out. This was a good choice.

The band has twenty-three days to collect $1370 toward their total goal of $3000. That budget is a bargain and reward tiers are reasonable.

New London Fire makes good music. Let's help them put a bit more in the world.

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