Friday, October 10, 2014

Band Review: Falling Here

Falling Here is a pop punk band from Rome Italy, and I have really enjoyed reviewing them this week.

I had some concerns that I could be biased in their favor. I am half-Italian, and one of their videos shows Rome at Christmas, where we hope to be this year, so there could be some sentimental favoritism going on there. There have been plenty of bands that I have wanted to like and not been able to though, so I believe my judgment is fair, and that Falling Here are actually good.

Songs are energetic and fun. Videos can be a little obnoxious, with unnecessary birds and rudeness (because punk), but at the same time the band remains likable. (Again, punk.)

There is a full-length album from 2013, Wrong Ways, which is pretty good. I especially like the way that "Friendship >Fame" builds, as well as "Start Over Again!" However, do not overlook the 2012 EP Life Gets Easy. There are only four tracks but they are strong.

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