Thursday, December 04, 2014

Band Review: LoveLess

There were two thing that frustrated me with reviewing LoveLess, a Rock and Alternative band from London, England.

One was the use of a vertical bar in the name, like so: Love|Less

I try to accommodate accent marks, but I have not even been able to find this one in special characters, and I got grumpy about it. I have found other places where the name is used without it, so I'm sticking with that.

The other thing that was frustrating was that I could really only find one song.

"Misery" is available via iTunes, and has a music video on the band's Youtube channel, but that is all I could find. There are other video segments with some previews and interviews, and they do set a mood. Released over time for fans who were waiting for updates it would make sense, but there should still be more substance available. The Facebook page indicates that the Hollow Faith EP is available, but I see no links.

Part of the frustration with that is that based on "Misery" the band does have potential, but it would be very easy for any attention they draw to fizzle out based on difficulty navigating. They have Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube, but are not using them effectively for promotion. The best songs in the world still need to be found to be appreciated.

So I would like to see the band do well, but I think they need to strategize a bit more. They have some tour dates happening right now (Newcastle today), and if that gives them a chance to build some momentum, I hope they will capitalize on that.

Everything I could find is down below.

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