Thursday, January 01, 2015

Band Review: 0r4

Based in Milan, the proper pronunciation for that is Zero Erre Quattro. One thing he does is make chiptunes.

Recently I had reviewed a different chiptune maker and it got me into a discussion where someone was looking for other chiptunes, and I could recommend two. Not long ago I did not even know there was such a genre, so it felt good to be able to help someone.

One thing that sets 0r4's music apart is a cleanness of sound. Some artists will enhance their tracks with other instruments, but that does not seem to happen much here. (Tracks are made on a Gameboy Color with LSDJ according to his Facebook page.) There is still often a very danceable feel to the songs, while continuing to invoke the spirit of the games.

There is a greater selection of tracks available on Soundcloud, but there is a structured album available via the Bandcamp and Facebook pages, which may give a better sense of the artist's intentions.

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