Friday, January 09, 2015

Band Review: Andrew Ferris

Andrew Ferris has elements of pop, folk, and indie, and those things are completely fair to say, but my strongest thought was that there is sort of a combination here of James Taylor and the Smiths.

I know that sounds strange. I believe the James Taylor vibe comes from the heavy acoustic elements, and maybe also from the voice. I remember seeing an update from Andrew a month or so ago that said he was going busking, and that sounded totally plausible.

On the other hand, the lyrics, and the sometimes atypical musical combinations, did make me think of Morrissey. The first song I heard was "Smile" which is surprisingly upbeat for starting out about how we are all going to die, but then also it is on the Yellow Lorry album, and there is a Red Lorry album, which may have gotten me thinking about "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out".

Not all of the songs are in that vein. Sometimes it feels like there is almost more of a country and Roaring 20s influence, which gives a fair amount of variety. There is a sense of playfulness and humor to many of the songs, especially "Something Changed." My favorite song was probably "With This Heart".

Fully acknowledging all of that, my overall thought is still James Taylor and the Smiths. I know that would not be for everyone, but if you think it might be for you, I don't know where else you would get it.

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