Monday, August 24, 2015

Black Lives Matter - the Policy Push

I may not be capable of writing about things on the same days that I think I will, but we have a fascinating developing situation, and it does relate.

You probably know that Hillary Clinton met with people from Black Lives Matter. Video footage was released, but there was a general feeling that the meeting was unpleasant and tense.

I saw that, and I didn't think it was awful. The activists pointed out that stopping the violence is something for white people to solve, as the primary perpetrators of the state-sponsored violence. There is a need to change hearts. Clinton could see their point, but wanted concrete policy proposals. That is what she can work with.

It sounded like an impasse, but Campaign Zero is up, it has concrete policy proposals, and it gives examples of similar city and state legislation so there are models in place.

I know I've already made this point about the interactions between Black Lives Matter and the Sanders campaign, but look, encounters can be productive without being pleasant. Maybe you come out angry, but you think about it and then you try again. There may be a certain level of maturity necessary for this type of progress, but I am pro-maturity.

Campaign Zero is focused specifically on police violence. That may be more narrow in some ways than what is wanted, but it is the police violence that has been escalating most, and because the violence committed by the police is essentially state-sponsored, it is an important area of focus. Other things may be easier to deal with after that.

The site is definitely worth checking out. Some of the line items are things I have written about already.

These are more about legislation than changing hearts. When I wrote about promoting diverse characters and authors, that is one for changing hearts. Those are things that are worth pursuing, and where politicians can be helpful, but then people can get weird about them too. Michelle Obama encouraged people to drink more water and it offended people, so you have some people drinking less water out of spite. Maybe it's better to have the political figures focus on the laws.

I think Campaign Zero is a great step. I don't want to hear about any more unarmed people being shot, or subjected to forcible searches by the side of the road for minor offenses, or arrested for resisting arrest when there was no reason to arrest them. Those things need to change.

And these feel like concrete steps for change. It's not a huge change in direction for Black Lives Matter, because some of these things have already been said. It does accommodate what legislators need, and does a good job of that.

That ability to talk, and be frustrated, and keep talking anyway, to take time away to clear your head and then listen again, these are things we need. Those are the traits that can allow us to actually solve problems, and come together instead of falling apart.

It is thrilling to watch.

If anyone can find some positive stories on the GOP side, please send them along.

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