Thursday, September 24, 2015

Band Review: Composer Sean Beeson

Reviewing a composer (for film, television, and games) is a little different than reviewing a rock band.

I did enjoy listening to the music, which is always the key question.

Since it was instrumental I can't respond to lyrics, and since most of these tracks would have been done for specific assignments, I don't get a sense of the personality in the same way that I would with a band or a solo musician. So, these are the points that I think it is helpful to notice.

1. I did enjoy the music.

2. There was a pretty good variety of tone and sound. I appreciate flexibility.

3. Tracks are often listed with not just their title but a description, which makes browsing easier.

I appreciate that he has a yoga mix - that could be good for relaxing. My favorite track was "Frozen Tundra". Beeson lists it as mysterious and ethereal, and yeah, I think that's about right.

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