Thursday, March 03, 2016

Band Review: Valise

I have liked Valise more on each subsequent listen.

I still find it hard to describe them. The best genre choice seems to be alternative, possibly leaning toward shoegaze. There is a sense of distance in the music - not that it is emotionally distant, but that you are hearing it through a filter, or that it is returning to you from the past. Without being oppressive, it gives an urgency to listening because there is something there that you need and that would be easy to miss. At least one of the videos, "Charlie Gray" carries a strong feeling a nostalgia, so perhaps the past is the answer.

There are beautiful grace notes, enhancing the moods. I don't know that they actually have used violins, but there is a feeling of wider options and variety as the music plays, reaching you in different ways.

You may just find Valise spellbinding.

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