Friday, April 22, 2016

Band Review: Don Vaughn

Of all of the musicians who have followed me on Twitter and ended up on the review list, Don Vaughn has been the first one to have a link to a TED talk in his profile. I started listening to the music first, but thought that I should listen to the TED talk before the review.

Having done that, seeing the video later for "Absolution" made a lot more sense. The brain is an interest for him, and that influences his music. Even titling his album The Don Vaughn Experiment seems to be an offshoot of that.

Unfortunately, that was the most interesting thing for me regarding the music.

I suspect this is more of an issue with my own lack of interest in Electronic Dance Music than any shortcomings with Vaughn's performance. The large numbers of collaborations that he was able to attract to his album, including Nick Lachey, I believe indicates some respect and regard for him on behalf of other musicians. I just found the songs all blended together in my head and then exited, leaving no memories. He may understand the process for that better than I do.

If you like EDM, you should probably check out Don Vaughn. If you do not like EDM, there is probably no reason to.

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