Friday, May 13, 2016

Band Review: Blinds

Blinds is an ethereal rock band based in Nashville.

This is most evident in the first track on their self-titled EP. "Bloom (Prologue)" is instrumental and there is a delicacy to it that may not be firmly rooted to this world.

Other songs seem less ethereal, and when there are lyrics they are often dark. This is especially true for their first single, "Dana Sue Gray". It then makes sense to learn that one of the band's influences is the movie Blade Runner. Dark and moody tones are to be expected. Those may come through most clearly on "Whimper".

Between that angst and a rather ponderous feel to the band's bio, I had some concern that they might be taking themselves too seriously, but another source of inspiration listed is "artsy photos on Tumblr" and that gives me hope.

Instrumentally I appreciated what they were doing most in "Mint + Nicotine", which located some interesting textures with the guitar, as well as the percussion on "Void (Two Weeks Notice)".

I don't believe that the band will be everyone's jam, but for what they are doing they implement it well. It's at least worth listening to a couple of tracks to find out if they are for you.

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