Friday, May 27, 2016

Band Review: Punchline

Punchline is a band with a sense of humor, as the name implies.

Some humor can be seen in song titles. "Coyotes In B Major" on Delightfully Pleased is an interesting thought, but then on the next album (Politefully Dead) to have a song called "Coyotes in B Arthur", that builds on the first off kilter thought and adds punning.

That being said, they often achieve a sincere emotion on tracks. "Universe" feels very real, and essentially plays it straight. "No Significant Other" is very relatable, but the title gives you an interesting way of looking at it.

The band has a lot of material so there is a lot to listen to. It probably makes sense to start with their 2015 release Thrilled, but I also appreciated the tighter focus on their EPs.

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