Friday, June 24, 2016

Band Review: PEAR

A funny thing happened with this review.

I want to be better about working bands off of my Recommended list. I saw that Dave Hause had recommended a band called Pear and found this one. I started listening, and I begin to think it was the wrong band. In trying to figure that out, I saw a reference to one of their last public appearances.

So, this PEAR band is not the only band named Pear that I will ever review, but if you like this one and want to see them love, you have a limited amount of time to do so. It was a married couple based in Calgary, Alberta and they are divorcing. They are fulfilling all contracted appearances through the fall, but that's it.

(I believe this is the saddest band breakup I have encountered, but they seem to be keeping a positive attitude.)

So, briefly, before they are gone, at one point they describe themselves as pop/folk/country, but on a different page they reference roots music, and that feels more accurate to me. There is a modern twist.

One good reference point might be to listen to their version of "Tennessee Waltz". It is updated in its delivery, though still with some traditional instrumentation, and it sounds completely contemporary, but not.

"Tennessee Waltz" is a good introduction, but my favorite track has been "Dance of the Chicken Snails", which has charm beyond the title. "I'll Love It" may be the most traditionally "roots" music, the "Eleanor Rigby Smooth Criminal" track may be the best example of their modernity, and "Dali's Dream" may be the intellectually boldest, but there are also sweet and charming songs all the way through that have their own simple appeal.

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