Friday, June 17, 2016

Band Review: Plug88

Two months ago I mentioned running into someone at the Rose Quarter Transit Center whom I would eventually review.

That was Craig Metke, or Plug88. I suppose it's most appropriate to call him a DJ, but I generally think of that as someone who keeps a dance party going. That may be something Craig does sometimes, but from the Tri-Met conversation it sounded more high-concept, and that was borne out by listening.

His card showed a Soundcloud link, but that was not working. I was able to find four sets - organized into episodes - on Mixcloud (a site with which I was previously unfamiliar).

88 uses a mix of movies and music on related themes to create his sets. The pieces may not immediately appear to relate to each other, but there are themes evoked.

I have no idea how the sets come across at a performance. I don't spend a lot of time in clubs, but I still kind of know what people do with dance music. This seems more like music to sit and listen to, or maybe to have visual imagery that you can watch. Some performance dates are listed on a Facebook page, but I did not see anything listed for the near future.

Nonetheless, it's interesting.

1 comment:

  1. awesome write up! sorry for the difficulty in tracking me down, i've been rebranding :-) you can listen to more over here: and don't forget to check in with me daily over at:

    thanks for listening!
