Friday, September 02, 2016

Band Review: Lifetime

I'm reviewing Lifetime because they were recommended by Dave Hause. He is right and they are a good band.

However, listening to them on Spotify, in addition to two of their regular studio albums (Hello Bastards and Jersey's Best Dancers), there is also the two-disc compilation album, Somewhere in the Swamps of Jersey, and it is too much.

It goes on for almost two and a half house, and it sounds whiny. Given the band's background and the times of their beginning activity, that was a legitimate musical influence, but overkill is a real issue with it. It was completely enervating. I may be making too big a deal of it, but the compilation does a lot to undo the good that was done by the other albums.

If you like punk, you should check out Lifetime. I think "Young, Loud, and Scotty" is a good entry point. Singer Ari Katz has a new LP of his own, and check that out. I just recommend skipping the compilation. I feel very strongly about that.

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