Thursday, November 10, 2016

Band Review: Wayquay

Wayquay was also part of the Women of the Four Winds tour.

She makes interesting use of techno elements without it really becoming techno music. I would classify it still as rock, but synthesizer is used as an accent, emphasizing and affecting the mood of each song. There are aspects to "Navigate" that remind me of early Blondie. It is completely distinct, but if people like punk disco melding with rap, that could be a reason to check Wayquay out.

I also sometimes hear a Blues influence, like on "Overnight", but the overall impression is that she gets some really interesting musical textures, taking tracks in different directions.

I could not find evidence of a strong social media presence, with a Soundcloud and Twitter that aren't used and the music on Myspace and Youtube not being very easy to navigate, so there is room from improvement there. For right now going to Myspace and clicking on "Music" and "Play all" is the best bet, and it won't be as many songs as it looks like. Still worth doing.

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