Tuesday, November 22, 2016

To Do: Writing a fat heroine

The dressing up goal had so many different possibilities with it that it ended up becoming a four-part goal that is still not quite done. ("Done" is kind of a loaded term for me anyway.)

Writing a fat heroine has been like that too, though in some ways it felt more like I was working my way up to it.

I gave Claudia and Morgan some extra padding, where confidence was an issue but not health. That didn't really feel like enough. If the heroine wasn't grappling with all of the issues of being fat, then I am probably not really facing my full issues. I still totally see the point in getting more body types represented in fiction, so it had value in that way, but it did not address my specific issue.

I do sometimes think about turning the fan fiction into a dystopian novel series. In light of that, I have thought about putting someone who looked like me into there, but all I could imagine was some kindly fat older person who sacrifices herself for someone who could actually run.

At the time that seemed reasonable, because the post-apocalyptic dystopian wasteland is a harsh environment where fitness seems advantageous. Since thinking that, I have had to remember that I was conflating weight and health - a common mistake. A different discussion since then reminded me that I have larger friends who are good runners, and I know thinner people who are pretty weak.

I am not fast, but I have good endurance - better than a lot people's. Getting regular meds would probably be difficult in said wasteland - which could hamper survival - but maybe if your access to food is really irregular, your access to insulin matters less.

Viewed in that light, I am probably not ready to create a fictional fat heroine until I have spent more time on exactly what my fat means to me. That is not merely how it affects my self-image (which I have thought about a lot) but also fully realizing what my body can do. I don't give it enough credit, and so that's not really truth. Honesty is crucial to writing, and it means seeing the good and the bad. I haven't fully done that. Fortunately, there are many steps and goals on this journey that do focus on my body and health and things that will be overall helpful to my healing.

There have been two other surprising developments. One is the other drawing project I am working on. I mentioned yesterday that I was drawing faces for "Powers". What I did not mention was that meant specifically drawing faces of Black women. "Powers" is set at a historically Black women's college. Not every student and faculty member is Black, but all the main characters are, and I had this idea that for the mini-bible when it goes over characters I could draw the student body cards and faculty badges to make it visually interesting.

I had given up the idea because I didn't think I could do a good job, but then it is taking me a while to complete anyway, and I want to draw, so I am at least trying. That means looking at women of different ages and physical types: one color, but with a lot of variety.

I am learning a lot from it. Drawing from my head kind of gives everyone the same basic features, only really changing the hair. There is a lot of variety in face shapes and noses and eyebrows. I will probably never be a great artist, but doing this now makes me more aware of how many different ways people can be, and that does not hurt for a writer.

(And I can totally see now how much the options would open up by adding color, and also know that I do not have the ability at this time to make that work, so am sticking with pencils and gray scale.)

The other part of that was finding that I could not envision a happy ending for me at my size. Having encountered great difficulty in changing my size made that particularly painful. My life script had always been built on thinking that part would change and then everything else would be fine. I could reexamine the idea of a happy ending, and the idea of bodily shrinking fixing everything else (both seriously flawed concepts) but there in my core wound there was still the problem of me (as I am) not getting happiness.

So the most important thing may have been writing out stories of things happening in my life, to me, where I was getting what I wanted. They focused on love, which may be worth examining. One dealt with the financial issues only by mentioning that things had come through at the last possible moment. I really regret that now because I am afraid it will turn out to be predictive, and exactly when is that last possible moment and how scary does it get before then? But at the time I didn't even think about it because I was so focused on love.

Still, I was able to visualize someone I loved loving me back, and in the stories it seemed plausible.

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