Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Concert Review: Tesla

There are two things that I need to say about Tesla and Saturday's show.

One is that I was far less familiar with them than the other bands. I could not identify a single song by them. I knew that there was a band with that name back in the day, but apparently their videos were not airing during the times that I was watching MTV. I would not be surprised if they got played during the Headbangers Ball, but I never watched that.

Without having those memories, I still have to say that they are the least time-ravaged of the three, still playing with the intensity and fervor of a much younger band.

Their biggest disadvantage was that at times they seemed dwarfed by the stage, possibly a result of the limitations performing first can cause for your set-up.

The best surprise for me (probably not for anyone better-informed) was the early rendition of "Edison's Medicine" showing that they take their name seriously. That also shows them as pretty forward-thinking. Tesla is much better-known now than when they first did the song, perhaps making them a band "out of time". In addition, the fun they have with film options on the "Need Your Lovin" video (while not merely scientific), shows a nice mix of smarts and playfulness.

For post-concert listening, I was taken with the beautiful intro on "Love Song" and the joy and energy of "Save That Goodness". They are a good band and they did a good job.

I'm glad I got to experience that.

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