Thursday, August 03, 2017

Band Review: Down On Maddy

The music of Down On Maddy tends toward the dark side of the subconscious. Auditory images are seductive, but there is something distasteful about them too.

I suspect this is intended by the band, who self-describe as dark dream-funk.

The music does interesting things. The shifts in tone established with the sax in "Rendezvous catch the ear, and I especially like the intro to "The Urge". "Titania" is inventive, and "Wake Yourself" is a solid song.

At the same time, something feels shallow and vaguely sexist. The sexist part may specifically come from "Daddy".

That is just an impression. There are two official videos on the Youtube channel, both for tracks already mentioned. I think that is the logical starting place. If you like the videos, you will probably like the rest of the album, and it will make sense to proceed.

I hated the videos, which corroborated my impressions of shallow and sexist. Based on that, I guess they worked for the songs.

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