Friday, October 05, 2018

Band Review: Nothing

Having just seen Johnny Marr two weeks ago (review posted one week ago), I have been reminded of jangle, and of how downbeat it can sound.

I would not be at all surprised to learn that Nothing - an alternative band from Philadelphia - was inspired by The Smiths. They may not have been, but there is some similarity in how downbeat the treble-y guitars manage to sound. I think what is more important to note, however, is that they sound a lot less depressing than they look. I am not speaking about the physical appearance of the band.

Artwork for their 2018 album, Dance on the Blacktop, is disconcerting. It's subtle, but ever so creepy.  Videos tend to be really downbeat as well, though "Blue Line Baby" is also beautiful.

I wouldn't have expected that just from the music. The songs are low key, and it would make sense if some people like to listen to them while sad, but you don't have to be sad to enjoy them and listening does not specifically make you sad. The videos can be pretty creepy, though, and I wouldn't necessarily have expected that if not for the album art.

(I guess the name should have tipped me off. "Nothing" must imply at least some existential angst.)

So don't be caught off guard, but don't hesitate to check them out either. Especially if you have been missing those Sheffield bands from the 80s, Nothing could be a very good fit.

I checked them out on the recommendation of Frank Iero, and he does know his stuff.

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