Thursday, November 07, 2019

Concert Review: Camp Crush

Camp Crush was second on the bill. They also have a nostalgic focus.

With a love for the 80s, and married couple Jen Deale and Chris Spicer at the helm, it would be easy to think of that special summer (maybe 1985) and that cute boy across the lake and those good times you had (as long as a crazed killer never hit your summer camp, which was true for most of us).

However, the shiny gold outfits they wore Monday night made another meaning of camp completely possible.

With some fun keyboard embellishments, the New Wave influence is easy to spot. The mood is not really 80s, at least not when listening to recordings. It is more remembering the 80s (hence the nostalgia). However, in performance there is an added exuberance that was really enjoyable.

To catch that energy, their next performance will bet on November 23rd at the Old Church. Details can be found at the band's links below.

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