Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Concert Review: Dr. Something

I previously reviewed Dr. Something in May 2015 (  It took me a while to get to see her live.

Obviously one key difference was a chance to see the video background: a loop of strange images in themed segments. (For example, Sacajawea shooting a laser at an evil pine cone, I think.)

The more interesting loop was the vocal looping that Dr. Something did, demonstrating a well-deserved vocal confidence. The artist has a beautiful voice and a good aesthetic sense to deploy in using it.

I think live viewing also gave me a better appreciation for her multi-instrumentality. Singing while playing is one thing; being able to switch to another instrument in between and keep it all going takes it up a notch.

And if Alison playing her clarinet above her keyboard while a colorful puppet looks concerned over a unicorn background seems like the best way to encapsulate the entire thing... yeah, that's probably about right.

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