Friday, February 14, 2020

Band Review: Stormy Strong

Stormy Strong self-describes as "Saltwater Rock". The dress appears to be more yacht rock, and there is a strong nautical theme -- at least in the videos -- for this Santa Cruz band.

Their best songs are probably "Stolen Winter's Kiss" and "Holiday". However, there are two songs that tease -- "Burning Bridges" and "Where Is My Mind" -- that start off reminiscent of other songs. (Specifically "Dyslexic Heart" by Paul Westerberg and for the other with the feedback many, but it ends up usually reminding me of "Time Stands Still" by The All-American Rejects.)

When these reminders happen it feels like a cheat, because you remember this better song, and you want the current song to rise to that level. Then it doesn't, but the original song gets stuck in your head so maybe it works out.

That's not to say that Stormy Strong is horrible, or even bad, but it does feel insufficient. Maybe there should be more emotional depth or more technical proficiency or more effort spent.

There was a series of commercials for Carl's Jr. and Hardee's where there was an emotionally withholding adventurer father and his mess of a son. I know it is at least partially based on their Facebook bio, but I kind of feel like this is what that son's band would be like. It's not bad listening, but it probably is not what was intended.

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