Friday, October 29, 2021

EP Review: Light-years to the Next Star by Dr. Something

While I was working on playlists -- including being unable to countenance not using Dr. Something's "Here Comes Count Dracula" -- I realized that I have had Dr. Something's lockdown EP on my listen list since March (a bit before I started doing reviews again). 

The solution was obvious.

I did know that Alison had been creating space monster art, so I was not completely surprised at the cosmic themes. They are most obvious in the second track, "Oort Cloud". However, I think the track that best captures the feelings of the quarantine and other aspects of this past time period is "Grip":

Holding onto this world, though it's cruel, please be soft,
Help my grip; keep us from falling off!

It is a non-denominational prayer for 2020 and beyond.

I remain impressed by the beauty and clarity of Alison's voice. Checking in with her silly-sad chamber pop is always worthwhile.

Light-years to the Next Star is currently available at Dr. Something's entire catalog can be downloaded for $16.80.


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