Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Episode 2555: A new hope

If anyone is wondering how many published posts there are on this blog, there you go.

I have written before about common dream themes I have. The most common have been dreams where I just can't progress.

One way that happens is that there will be things like upside down staircases or blocked passageways. Sometimes, I will work a way around that, and then the passage will get longer or new obstacles arise, which then kind of bleeds into the other type of dream, the ever-expanding task.

I first started having this dream when I was working at McDonald's. As it would be time for me to wake up in the morning -- and I was not ready to wake up -- I would dream that there was a line of cars in the drive-through. I had to serve them all before I could get up, but the line wasn't getting any shorter.

Later this would change to a line of customers at K-Mart or Burlington Coat Factory. Because of how it would happen I always associated it with being too tired and needing more REM sleep. As it has become just things to do, not quite so tied to customer service, I associate it more with just feeling like I am never done. Tiredness remains an issue, but it no longer seems to be as much about keeping me asleep.

Regardless, I don't know if this constitutes a psychological breakthrough, but the other night I was dreaming about going through paperwork, sorting out what could be recycled and what needed to be kept...


It's not exactly that I got done, but I could see things becoming more organized and there were no new piles appearing.

I still have a ridiculous amount of projects going on, but it is not unreasonable that I might feel like some progress has been made, and that I am actually getting somewhere.

How amazing is that?

I haven't dreamed of my teeth falling out for a while either, or being naked, so I guess I am doing pretty well.

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