Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Survived: First paycheck of 30

Some follow up from last Tuesday is required. A lot of people read it, and a lot of people commented. 

I hope no one is worrying too much. It felt important to write about it because I know I am not unique. If you are not in the same boat, great, but a lot of people are. Rising income inequality is going to increase that number. 

I gave up looking good long ago. I can only speak for myself, but I will speak honestly and openly. I hope it does help others.

I believe I can make this month's mortgage. It does require getting Maria's rent in, but today is her payday. We can survive that.

One thing that helps is that my last paycheck was not garnished. 

I get paid every two weeks. On the non-mortgage paycheck I have been holding back $300 so that the mortgage paycheck would go far enough. The amount being garnished is $318 per check. I held back some extra from the last check. Normally I would not need to wait for Maria's rent; that would go to groceries or utilities.

The next time the mortgage is due, both paychecks will have been garnished. Just for extra fun, it will also be a water bill month. (Most expenses are monthly, but water and garbage are every two months.)

Based on the amount being withheld and the amount granted, it will take almost thirty paychecks to pay off. That should make next Thanksgiving very exciting. (Unless one of the other creditors decides to sue me, but if they do they have to wait in line until Absolute Resolutions is done.)

Here is an example of my emotional state:

I have to inject a few times daily, and I use alcohol wipes for that. I noticed my box was getting low and had this brief upsurge of anxiety. Then I remembered...

  1. I had more in the drawer.
  2. I can use cotton balls and alcohol.
  3. That is totally something Julie would buy for me. They are not expensive.

That is a common cycle: notice something, stress, calm back down. Not all of the answers are as easy, but we will get through this, just like we get through everything else. There surely will be some sacrifice, but that's life.

It is very fortunate that my most important hobby is learning and that our library system is so good (including their participation in Inter-Library Loan).

Two other things seem worth noting.

I do not doubt that some of the emotions on this are going to be harder because of things happening with my mother. I had gotten over this one source of pain, and now another one is coming into view. I am sure there will be more writing about that, but right now I am still getting familiar with this one.

In addition, allow me to mention that it is time for Julie's sabbatical. You will note us traveling. It may seem irresponsible. I would tell you it was already planned, but honestly, plans have changed quite a bit. That may have more to do with our mother than with finances, as spending longer times away seems like a worse idea now. 

I mean, we are always looking at being economical and efficient anyway, but this feels like extra pressure. There are a couple of overnight trips and one where we will be gone for two nights. 

The first time she had a sabbatical, we were gone for an entire month, but our situation was very different then. I did have more money, but I miss what we have lost with my mother more.

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