Thursday, August 15, 2013

Band Review: Wildon Ash

The biggest criticism I am going to make about the band Wildon Ash is that they don't seem to be very good with technology. I know, it's not much of a bloodbath, but I think it's important.
One minor issue is that several of the tracks on Reverb Nation cut off abruptly, and it is jarring as you are listening. It is more of an issue that you can't find links really easily and that their tweets are boring and repetitive. Even the Twitter profile led me to think that it was one person named Wildon Ash, but it is not.
Their music is pretty excellent, and while that is the most important measure of a band, being good musically is not enough to get you heard. It never was, but that is even more true today.
In addition to that, they seem to inspire a lot of loyalty. Listening to one interview with the singer, and another interview about the band, the radio personalities responded very positively, wanting to promote the band and make it happen. Some of that could be showmanship, but if they do have the ability to win people over via their music, then it's sensible to work really hard on getting more people to hear that music, and social media can be a valuable tool for that.
Actually, their Facebook site is set up pretty well, so the first step may be to replace the link to Reverb Nation with a link to Facebook on the Twitter profile, so Facebook may be the best place to start. Also, this video was kind of helpful:
But other than that, yes of course you listen to the songs. Of the ten tracks on Reverb Nation, I would say there's not a bad one in the bunch. On is a more rock take on Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game", which is kind of a cool way to go with it, but they have enough solid material on their own; they don't need covers. "Crutch" is a good sample of the vocal range and a more upbeat feel, and then "Anti-Matter" takes it darker and more techno. There's a good variety among their songs.
I would like to see them succeed. Music is available via Amazon.

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