Friday, May 23, 2014

Band Review: SkyBurnsRed

SkyBurnsRed is an Alternative/Rock band from Swindon. One of the first things you may notice listening to them is that they have a violinist. That might seem unusual, but have just reviewed Before Cars two weeks ago, and Andrew Joslyn's work two weeks before that, it feels like a trend. I have no problem with an increase in violins.

That is not to say that the various bands sound alike. In the case of SkyBurnsRed, they remind me most of Led Zeppelin in Kashmir, especially on "Paralysed Lullabies". The classical instrument infuses the rock with some theatricality and elegance, but there is nothing soft about the sound, because that violin is with guitar and it is punctuated by strong percussion. "Lost At Sea" and "Pens Down" are some good examples.

Tracks can be purchased via Amazon, iTunes, and Bandcamp. There are links to a home page that seems to be currently under construction, but the Facebook page has a good offering of dates and information, so is probably the best bet right now.

They're worth checking out.

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