Monday, March 28, 2016

Poetry Corner

Being in the middle of screenwriting (and worrying about money), I thought I would just post this poem I wrote, which seems appropriate.

Daily Bread

Elisha, to the widow’s cries
Found what last store she had left
And made the oil multiply
Flowing over to pot and cruse and vase
Each full container set aside
Until she could repay her debt
I am more like she of Zarephath.

In a lean and hungry time
Taking in Elijah as her guest.
Oil multiplied again, and meal,
But only day by day.
Never empty, never overflowing,
Until the famine went away.

I’d like to see Heaven’s windows open,
Spill out in plenty over me,
See the fruits of years of toil
Blossom with great rapidity.
But I might find, were that the case
That sloth would grow from too much ease.
Perhaps I’d think the glory mine,
And spend less time on bended knee.

Enough for a day is still enough.
Not rich, I am still loved and fed
Always knowing, I need Thee
And always granted daily bread.

- Gina Harris

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