Thursday, June 23, 2016

Band Review: Brian S Carr

Brian S Carr is Los Angeles based composer for film and television.

His review came up at a bad time, just as his home page was expiring. I saw the nicely organized page, and knew it was there, and then I ended up listening to everything via Soundcloud, which is not as nicely organized. A media composer has different promotional needs than a band trying to get gigs and sell downloads, so it's highly possible that the other page was superfluous, but I liked it.

For the Soundcloud page, Carr has the greatest variety I have heard among composers. There are the epic mood pieces, which is common, but there are also more upbeat pieces (some of the songs for the Russian film 8 First Dates remind me of tango music) and even things like a reproduction of "Eye of the Tiger" for "Family Guy" so Peter could sing over it.

Listening through is a good reminder of how much versatility is needed for some endeavors, and how there are people who can provide it.

Personal favorites are  "Cabdango" and "Your Love".

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