Thursday, January 03, 2019

Concert Review: Grand Illusion

Saturday night I saw Grand Illusion, the Northwest's premier Styx tribute act.

The first question that raised for me was how many Styx tribute bands are there, both in general and in the Northwest. I was able to find three others, but in different geographic locations.

The question I'd had going into the show was whether with a tribute band it is more important that they are true to the band or that they do a good show.

I don't think that one has an easy answer. For someone at the show, a good show in general is probably better, but if you are going to see a tribute band, most likely you are a fan of the original band and want to hear something like them.

Having now attended the concert, the bigger question is whether the source material can result in limitations.

I totally thought Grand Illusion sounded like Styx. I know that involves some pretty good technical prowess. I also don't like Styx that much.

I thought I liked them better. I remembered Styx as a little more highbrow, rather than fun or romantic (apparently forgetting "Babe"). I found this show kind of boring. I thought maybe I would have liked Grand Illusion more if they had played "Heavy Metal Poisoning", but then I looked up the video at home, and I had remembered it rocking more than it did. So really, my ambivalence is the fault of Styx, and not Grand Illusion.

However, if you like Styx, you should like Grand Illusion a lot.

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