Tuesday, September 22, 2020

But sometimes...

Sometimes there are things that you need to do first before something else can happen. 

That isn't really a contradiction; I gave two examples yesterday, though the mattress example was kind of being used in the opposite way. I was going to function better after getting a new mattress, so making it a reward for good functioning was not helpful. Did I specifically need to be sleeping well for something happening at that time? Not that I remember. Bad sleep is not great for memory.

Sometimes sequence is important. That doesn't even sound like it means that "until you accomplish steps 3 thought 7 you must remain lonely and deprived", but it is possible to be really hard on yourself, and punitive. 

(Actually, I suspect there are two kinds of people: those of us who mostly blame ourselves and those who mostly don't. They each have their own pitfalls.)

Anyway, that's not really the point of today. On my ever growing list of tasks, there has been this one about clearing off my desk and dresser that I never seem to move past. I have filed various things, and sometimes I get close to getting somewhere, but I have never actually completed the task and then the mess grows back very quickly. 

I believe it is holding me back. I think the clutter and lack of organization make it easier to procrastinate doing other things, and harder to move forward.

Getting it done does seem to really be worth doing. It should also be something I am capable of doing, though without super solid evidence. Even with all of that filing I did, when I got the tax information, mortgage information, care giving information, and future products all sorted and contained, when I needed to fill out two new applications and fax documents, that undid a lot of it.

But it still seems important, so I am inviting you into my need. 

I am posting pictures of how it looks today, and then I will post pictures tomorrow.

Am I motivating by adding support or shame? It's questionable. I know the people who are likely to read this are likely to be supportive, but that may not matter as much as my perception. The more pertinent question is probably whether I am going to really regret this tomorrow.

I hope not, and that means hope remains.

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