Friday, May 10, 2013

Band Review: Trails And Ways

I first learned of Trails and Ways when they followed me on Twitter. I was expecting something a little alternative and kind of hippie perhaps, but what I got was bossa nova dream pop, which I was not expecting, and for which there are no obvious comparisons.
There are some similarities to the ambient and indietronica that I have listened to, but with a couple of important distinctions. One is that there is not the same monotony. The music builds and varies and does things, probably bossa nova things, though I don’t know the form well enough to be sure.
There is that variation within the song, but also the songs differ from one another, also very important. It is overall mellow. Actually, I felt like there was a real Northwest sound initially, but they are from Oakland, so maybe it is just a Pacific Coast sound.
Some of the variety comes from instruments. They do use electronics on many songs. For example, on “Mindnight City”, there seems to be some synthesizer, and maybe some flutes, but there is also a distinct texture added from voice and hands, and right before it, on “One Note” (this is from the Temporal album), there is a different percussion, and a guitar with a kind of Brazilian sound, and vocals that climb and coo. Clearly they take influences from a variety of places. Check “Nunca” as an example of that.
They are available for listening on Soundcloud and Spotify, and then available for purchase from Amazon. I could not find them on iTunes. There are several tour dates available on Facebook.
It’s a distinct sound, and probably not for everyone, but if you’ve had enough of the same old thing, this could be a logical band to try.

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