Monday, May 13, 2013

Reasons not to follow me on Twitter

I recently lost a follower on Twitter. That number goes up and down all the time, and there are apps that let you track it, but I haven’t installed any, and I don’t want to be neurotic about it.
However, she wrote a note that made me think. Also, I recently gained two followers whom I admire, and before I alienate them, I want to clear the air. The reason she unfollowed me, and it was completely understandable and I am grateful that she took the time to tell me, is the suicide retweets.
Actually, there are two things that I retweet. One says that each retweet that they get will be one day without cutting. The other is some variant of showing that you would care if the original tweeter committed suicide. I do retweet those. I’m kind of scared not to. I have retweeted some to show that I think someone is beautiful too, though some I have just replied to with compliments.
The thing is, it’s very hard to know how to help depressed young people. I will write more about that over the next two days, but for now, that’s something I do, and it may be a reason not to follow me on Twitter.
It was kind of surprising that it came up at all, because I had felt like no one was seeing my tweets. I would post things that I thought were funny or interesting, and nothing. When I replied to people, though, or tweeted specifically to them, then they noticed. It felt like my Twitter role was more of a supportive one, and that’s okay. I’m good at that.
In some ways, I feel like maybe the reason I am taking up bass is that I am functioning in more of a supportive position, and not due to my unusually good sense of rhythm for a middle-aged suburbanite.
Of course, Kris did see that, and there are a few other people who seem to be noticing things now. So, now I have to worry about what it is like to follow my tweets. The truth is, there are probably better ways to keep track of me than Twitter.
Facebook: I go through phases of posting status updates or not, but I do check it at least once a day, it connects with lots of things that I like, and I frequently post things that I find interesting. If we have not interacted in real life, it would be helpful to send a message when you submit your friend request, just letting me know it’s not weird.
The Blogs: Eventually you get pretty much every thought I ever have through here. If you think I have not gotten to something that you are interested in, ask, and there’s probably something there, or I will make a point of getting to it.
Links to the blogs are something that I reliably tweet, actually, but it would be more reliable to follow the blogs through Blogger, or through Networked Blogs via Facebook.
Saturday: Travel (Currently going through Disneyland)
Sunday: Provident Living (Just finished up working vegetables into your diet, not sure what’s coming next)
Monday through Friday: Everything else, but Thursdays and Fridays are music reviews. The rest covers music, art, writing, politics, and me.
E-mail: This one is actually not a great one, because I get so much that I go through periods of letting it get kind of behind.
LinkedIn: I seriously hate this one; it annoys me so much. I think I am not career-oriented enough. If you ask to join my network, I will probably accept, but I will never do anything interesting with it.
Amazon Studios: So basically about every 45 days, as the option period on one screenplay expires, I will submit a different one. It’s my way of saying that no matter how many times you decide something doesn’t meet your current needs, there’s plenty more where that came from. You can read screenplays here, and it would be great if you would vote for whichever one is active at the moment. I should be adding a new one tomorrow.
Goodreads: It’s not terribly interactive, but I do like seeing what people read and like. There’s a link on the main blog.
Ficwad: This wouldn’t be that interactive either, but if you are bored, there is a pretty long saga over here.
Twitter: If you want to relate via Twitter, but not follow me, just make sure to always check your mentions. This is a good policy anyway, because it’s easy to miss what’s coming up, and mentions and interactiona (via @connect) show you what relates specifically to you. For Direct Messages, if you do not follow me, I cannot DM you, but you could still DM me if I followed you.
Or you could just follow me, and that’s cool, and sometimes it might seem creepy. Believe me, I question myself all the time on this one, but it feels necessary, and that this is where I’m supposed to be.

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