Thursday, December 26, 2013

Band Review: Femke Weidema and Cotton Wine

I wasn't sure what to do with this one. Femke Weidema initially followed me on Twitter, so ended up on the review list. I did not find a lot of songs on her main site, but as I searched more I found that she also is apparently in a new band, Cotton Wine, and it did not seem right to neglect that. So, I have been listening to both.

There are several links given, but I believe the most valuable is the Soundcloud one, because there you find her solo material, Cotton Wine tracks, and even collaborations and background music. If there is anywhere to get an idea of the full range, it is at Soundcloud.

In the most general, basic terms, the solo songs tend to be a little more dance/techno, whereas for Cotton Wine it feels more country, but possibly more folk than country. Actually, "Bloody Mary" kind of reminds me of All The Apparatus.

I feel like the work with Cotton Wine grounds her, where there is more substance and more interest than in the solo material, so that might be the best starting place.

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