Friday, July 27, 2018

Band Review: Split Single

Some time ago, someone retweeted Jason Narducy and I saw it and liked it.

Following a politically astute musician and adding him to the review list was of a no-brainer for me; discovering the sexiest elbows in rock music was just a bonus.

There was still the question of which act to review. Narducy has been in and performed with many bands, including Superchunk and the Bob Mould Band. However, Split Single is his solo project, and it is current, with new music coming out in Novemeber. That made it the most logical choice as an area of focus (though it does not rule out going back and checking out Verboten or Verbow some day).

Split Single was also a pleasant surprise.

I guess I was expecting it to be more punk. That wasn't even a lowered expectation - I love punk - but being caught off guard changes your perspective. I wasn't expecting the less aggressive, more indie sound. I'm tempted to say it was slower than I was expecting, but that could give the wrong impression about the energy of "Untry Love". I could say how thoughtful "Leave My Mind" is, but that could imply that I don't give punk credit for thinking.

Probably the best thing to do is just say that Split Single is really good! You should check it out!

Just for the record, though, "Monolith" does sound pretty punk.

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