Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Back from vacation

Perhaps it would have made more sense to post this yesterday, but yes, I am back.

Yesterday's post would have made perfect sense for today, I realize now. One strong reason to post it yesterday was that it had been already written and only needed slight alterations. 

Last week I wrote posts for all of the days that I was going to be gone: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I had toyed with maybe posting both the Friday and Saturday posts when I got home, and I was sure I would post the Thursday one before we left at 5:45 AM. The morning went by too fast.

I posted the Saturday travel post on Sunday, and posted nothing on the Sunday blog. Then, I am adding another band to the band review that will go up Friday. This feels good, because I did not have a lot to say about the band I already reviewed, so this review will combine two artists with small catalogs and... anyway, the compromise is fine.

The question is whether there was a point in writing ahead, or should I just have figured "Vacation! Don't post!" 

Because I did not end up posting.

Ideally I would like to have some internet access while gone, but if I were able to buy things the first priority would be replacing the desktop. 

All of which is to say that I don't know. I don't know that the blogging daily model is sustainable, but for this time of life there are reasons to do it. Everything is subject to change, and I am a frail mortal.

I feel better as a frail mortal, because I did go out and have some fun.

I talked to strangers (masked). I saw animals and possibly saved two baby squirrels. I cheered. I went on a ride and scored points. I laughed a lot.

We do have fun here, and laugh, but there is something beautiful about getting away. The cats have adjusted again, though there were some attempts to show displeasure that first night back.

It felt invigorating and free, while I still know that it is something that we can be judged for. 

My sisters have been judged for other trips. 

We have been judged for the amount of pets we have.

We don't go around telling the worst people all of our business, but we will be judged for this.

And yet, what I know even more than I knew it before is that everyone needs it. 

I have heard every argument about work ethics and entry-level jobs not deserving a living wage and choices... screw them all! Look at the greed that begets it.

Everyone needs diversion, and chances to eat delicious things and to play and to not feel exhausted. 

I may not post every single day, but it is a source of great pleasure for me that I have material for travel blog posts through the end of the year.

I am grateful for the content, but more grateful for the times.

I am grateful that my sisters took me along, though they did not have to.

And I want that gift for everyone else.

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