Friday, June 14, 2024

Spotlight on Gloria Jean Pinkney: Black History Month 2024

Getting back into the swing of blogging about books, it became a wonderful thing to realize I could just keep writing until I had caught up on everything after a few years stalled. Unfortunately, there was not going to be any way to clear out the column for Black History reading. 

While that is the list that I have been working on the longest, it is also the longest, meaning the most books. I have recently calculated that I can be caught up in 2029 without neglecting other areas of study, so that's the plan. 

Keep in mind that this is the tenth post for this month, covering just over one hundred books and movies. I got a big chunk covered when I did the spotlight on Brian Pinkney, son of Jerry and Gloria Jean Pinkney (and husband of Andrea Davis Pinkney).

However, at this typing I have reviewed 31 of Jerry's books, and have about 80 to go. I don't know if I will be able to find all of them, but I will get to as many as I can before next February.

Four of those books were done with Gloria Jean, and she only had one other book that I had not read yet, so obviously it made sense to get that book and clear out a little bit more.

The other thing I should add is that it is clear that Gloria Jean has written more than what is found on Goodreads or in the library, so I have to assume that a lot of the writing is happening in magazines and church publications. 

One thing we learn from the writing I did find is that she is very religious, being a prayer warrior and having a prayer partner. It makes sense that a lot of her work is to a targeted audience, and that is fine.

The other thing that comes up is that from her work here, family is a key role. Of her three children's books, two were written with her husband Jerry. For the other two, there are illustrations from Jerry and Brian, as well as photos from son Myles Pinkney, and also some assistance from daughter Troy Pinkney Ragsdale on Music

When I first discovered the family connections and wanted to look into them more, I had not imagined the artistic working together that they would do, but it feels like it makes sense for them.

Children's Books with Jerry Pinkney

Back Home
The Sunday Outing

The Sunday Outing is a prequel to Back Home, telling the story of how Ernestine was able to make the visit to her extended family in North Carolina. 

Children's Book with Robert Casilla 

Daniel and the Lord of Lions

Okay, this is the one that was not a family project. It is a simple retelling of the Bible story.  

Comes with a CD:

Music From Our Lord's Holy Heaven

The family participation (her husband and three of their four children) is especially appropriate here because the collection of songs are those she has sung around their home, with comments on their meaning, and then a recording of her singing, if you still have a CD player around. (It turns out I don't, which I probably should rectify at some point.)

The most religious of all...

In the Forest of Your Remembrance 

This is where the "prayer warrior" and "prayer partner" come in. I appreciate her stories of faith and listening for inspiration, as well as being a bit put off by references to Benny Hinn and Focus on the Family. 

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