Friday, November 01, 2013

Band Review: Jocelyn

There is a musical refrain in "Consider It Done" by Jocelyn that is very similar to a bit in "Love Drunk" by Boys Like Girls, which I find interesting. Boys Like Girls is basically pop, but often sounds pretty country. Jocelyn describe themselves as pop/rock, but sound very country a lot of the time, with the occasional infusion of blues.
I find that interesting, because listening to older songs via newer songs, I'm trying to figure out if there is a transition in place there, where they are moving more from one style to another. I can't actually confirm that one way or another, but I am kind of hoping that there is some change going on, because I was frustrated by a kind of monotony in the listening.
I feel bad about that. There's not really anything wrong with any individual song, and if you pay attention, there are differences between the individual tracks. Still, it feels unchanging, and a bit whining, maybe like they are caught in the same place and not moving past it.
I don't believe that is irreparable, and their newest track is what gives me the most hope. "Miss America" is inspired by a girl the bass player ignored who went on to become a beauty queen. He talks about the incident with refreshing candor, and the video doesn't shy away from painting him as a jerk.
That ability to glean from the past, and to self-assess honestly, is valuable, especially for moving forward. I believe they can be more.
Music is available via Amazon and iTunes.

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