Saturday, March 14, 2015

Band Review: I, Synthesist

I, Synthesist self describes as Alternative, Electronica, and Electro-Pop, but my initial reaction was that it was very arty. Art rock and art pop are generally not my favorite genres. There are digital effects and copious synthesizers, but when you have a nearly 24 minute track of ambient noise called "Womb-a-Tron", I think a case could be made for art pop.

"Womb-a-Tron" is the last track on Somewhere and Everywhere from 2013, and there is a similar (but less womb-like) track, "The Overlook", on Art Of Survival from 2007. I mention those two tracks in particular because they were the ones that drove me from vaguely annoyed to feeling actual hatred.

It's not always that bad. Tracks like "The Lost Parade" from Avalanche (2004) occasionally reminds me of groups like Information Society or The Breakfast Club, and there are songs that are not horrible. Still, it was more common for me to be annoyed, and that is the impression I am carrying away.

If you are into techno, I would start with Avalanche, and if you enjoy that keep going. (If you like experimental art-pop, by all means go straight to "Womb-a-Tron".)

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