Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Task: Recipes and

Occasionally I will post about something that I made, and someone will want the recipe. That’s flattering, and I like accommodating people anyway, so I would post things as much as possible.

I am a big fan of Goodreads, and someone had posted about a site called Cookbooker, and I thought, hey, maybe I can be organized in sharing my recipes, so I wanted to go check it out. I have previously mainly used, but you get a lot of duplicates, and I was willing to believe there was something better.

I found the site,, and found out that the title is actually quite literal. The recipes have to come out of books. You can list your variations, but everything has to start with a book and page number.

Well, that wasn’t going to work for me at all. I get recipes off the internet, and out of Foodday (the recipes in both of which often do come from books, but I do not pay attention to that), and I also just make things up. Sometimes I think of how I believe it will work once I have an idea, and often I will look at a few similar recipes as a plausibility check, but I do not cook by the book.

I still had the bug, though, so I was looking for other sites. I finally decided the one I wanted was I liked the setup, so I created a log in and entered two recipes that I had just posted on Facebook: fake fried rice (the rice is steamed, then you add the fried ingredients) and cashew chicken.

It was a lot of work. It has you add one step at a time, and it likes pictures to be added. Actually, that is very practical in terms of the end result, but it is not user-friendly—at least not with the kind of cooking rebel that I am. I have a photo gallery of making gnocchi, so it should be easy to add, but there are all those steps, plus I never know the amounts of anything I am doing.

I did try taking additional photos and measuring more, but I was always trying new things, and never sure how it would come out, and ultimately, I still only have those two recipes up. I have not given up on the idea, but as priorities go it has slid way down.

That being said, I will gladly describe how I cook anything over the phone, or we can get together and I will demonstrate. If it doesn’t come out because of my refusal to be consistent, well, I hope you find that to be part of the fun.

P.S. These methods don’t really work with baking.

Tae-Bo Instructional Workout (20/60)
Matthew 27 – Mark 6

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