Thursday, April 23, 2015

Band Review: Cugini

I admit to some confusion about Cugini. The descriptions make it sound more like a label or studio that works on developing talent. However, there are songs performed by Cugini, which makes them seem like a band. For the purposes of this review, I am treating them like a band.

There could also be some confusion about the genre. On Facebook they use the acronym "S.P.E.C.H.", for Sexy Punk Electro Contemporary HipHop.

I do hear the hip hop elements, but the electronic elements feel more critical to the overall musical effect. There is rapping sometimes, but there is always synthesizer. At times it is a little reminiscent of Real McCoy, but more moody and downbeat. I don't hear any punk, but I definitely see the possibility of the band doing well in contemporary.

The video for "Activity" gives a good feel not only for the general sound, but the type of dancing that might go with it. That is a good starting point if they sound interesting, and if they are, various tracks are available on iTunes.

They don't really stick with me, but I may be too old for them. Either I am missing something, or the shoes are way overly romanticized on "Converse Girl". That in no way rules out the possibility of them really catching on.

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