Thursday, September 08, 2016

Band Review: Samantha Scarlette

Samantha Scarlette is a rock singer and songwriter based in New York.

There is a strong Gothic element to her look, and those concepts are also frequently present in her lyrics, but with a surprising lack of feeling.

I have done my listening primarily through Scarlette's Youtube channel, so it is probably more glaring via videos than simply listening. Regardless, whether the song is about corruption, light breaking into eternal darkness, or the impossibility of winning over one's demons, the primary emotion always seems to be an enjoyment of having the camera on her and satisfaction in her cuteness. No matter what changes to hair color, costume, and setting occur, the emotion never does. Even in the spoken intro to "Page Six", with a monologue about choosing loneliness after deciding she is unlovable, the intonation is almost Valley Girl-like.

From some of her tweets, it is clear she has real pain in her life, at least partially due to a bad father - something I sympathize with - but it feels like the pain has never achieved any real depth, so it comes off as petulance. Narcissism may have provided some shielding.

Scarlette occasionally reminds me of Courtney Love, but Love's dysfunction is deeper and more interesting. It's disappointing. She has a pretty large following though, so it must work for some people.

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