Thursday, June 18, 2015

Band Review: Greco

Greco has been good listening this week.

Greco is a band of mostly brothers from Athens, Georgia. Their Facebook page only lists four of them - Sebastian, Josh, Zack, and Gabriel - but in recent videos they include oldest Greco brother Johann. This seems to be a band in transition. In fact, their Soundcloud proclaims...

"Though GRECO has spent years saturated in music and perfor​mance, it is the release of their latest EP – ALL THE THINGS YOU WANT - that will mark their true musical statement to the world."

It is a musical statement of rock that pulls in multiple influences. There are things that remind me of garage rock, Southern rock, and even some psychedelic, but "All My Life" starts with a synth groove that would not be out of place in pop (back when pop wasn't a pejorative). That track should definitely be checked out, as well as the heartfelt "If I Could See".

Part of that transition should involve running social media more tightly. I found at least three broken links to ReverbNation, and then once I found the correct page via Search there was no music listed. The Youtube channel could be better organized too, though I hope the "In the Bathroom w/Greco" series continues.

There is work for them to do, and I hope they do it. They have a good sound, and their efforts to make it more available to more people should be beneficial.

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